NEW for 2024- the FINOLA2 Variety
Bigger Seed and Less THC
We also have certified seed for the original FINOLA variety
Click HERE to order your planting seed
Scroll down to read brief description of these two hemp varieties
– NOT genetically modified!
– NOT treated with any nasty chemicals!
– Suitable for certified organic cultivation!
Click HERE for a five page PDF on practical farming tips for the FINOLA and FINOLA2 varieties of oilseed hemp.
Click HERE for a quick, one page farmer’s check list.
Click HERE to download a 12 page PDF (31 MB) on FINOLA’s morphology and development, with pictures.
Most FINOLA growers have good results, some not. Click HERE for a one page list of the 10 most common reasons for failing with this oilseed crop. Please have a look at this document and avoid these common mistakes!
For more information on industrial production of hempseed grain, check out the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance Hemp Production eGuide:
Seed ripening 60 days after sowing for FINOLA and FINOLA2. Visit our Gallery page to see the seasonal development in pictures, from seedling to seed in 130 days in Finland at latitude 63 N. FINOLA and FINOLA2 can be harvested in less than 100 days at latitude 40.
Description of the FINOLA2 oilseed hemp variety:
Type: Dioecious, with approximately 50/50 male and female plants
Main uses: Large size hempseed and green material biomass
Flowering: 25 to 30 days after sowing male flowers appear
Click HERE to order FINOLA2 planting seed
FINOLA2 is a new auto flowering dioecious hemp variety. Breeding for this variety began in 2006, it was registered in 2020 and finally admitted to the European Common Catalogue in 2023. The flowering process typically begins between 35 to 40 days after sowing, with male flowers being the easiest to identify at first. In comparison to the original FINOLA variety, FINOLA2 is slightly taller, and the seeds mature approximately 10 days later. FINOLA2 also has a significantly larger seed, with a thousand seed weight (tsw) of approximately 16-18 g/, and a very low THC content (<0.10%) at maturity. CBD production is also low for this variety. With adequate fertilisation and favourable growing conditions, typical yields of grain range from 1.5 to 2 metric tonnes per hectare in Central Europe. FINOLA2 is suitable for cultivation in Southern Europe, the United States and other regions below 50o N latitude. Grain yields are less than optimal at latitudes above 50 North.
FINOLA2’s seed oil and protein values are similar to FINOLA’s values. Read more about FINOLA’s hempseed nutritional characteristics here
Description of the original FINOLA oilseed hemp variety:
Proven reliable and popular since 1995 !
Type: Dioecious, with approximately 50/50 male and female plants
Main uses: Small size hempseed and green material biomass
Flowering: 25 to 30 days after sowing male flowers appear
Click HERE to order the original FINOLA planting seed
FINOLA is the shortest and fastest maturing hemp variety. It was created in 1995, registered in 1999 and finally admitted to the European Common Catalogue in 2003. It was already admitted to the Canadian List of Approved Hemp Cultivars in 1998. The flowering typically begins 25 to 30 days after sowing, with male flowers being the easiest to identify at first. It was the first registered hemp variety to have the auto flowering trait. The seed is relatively small, with a thousand seed weight (tsw) of approximately 11-13 g/tsw, and a low THC content of 0.1-0.2% at maturity. FINOLA is a reliable source of cannabidiol (CBD), although yields may vary according to growing conditions and harvesting time. A significant benefit is the comparatively low height of this crop, enabling easy harvesting with standard grain combines. Realistic seed yields of 1.5 to 2 metric tonnes per hectare can be achieved under good growing conditions and with sufficient fertilisation. This early maturing variety is suitable for central and higher latitudes in Europe, Canada and northern US states. It is not often recommended for latitudes below 35 N.
For more information on FINOLA’s CBD potential, please go to this page.
Development of FINOLA in Pictures
Click HERE to download a 2.5 MB pdf that shows the development of FINOLA in pictures, with typical morphologic features of male and female plants, according to days after sowing. These pictures were taken in Finland (latitude 60 N), where most other varieties of hemp do not even release pollen, much less set seed. FINOLA will develop much faster at lower latitudes (40-50 N). We do not yet have good results for this variety within the tropical and sub-tropical latitudes of 30N and 30S. Yes, it will grow there, but it is very short and not so productive, and we do not encourage that.
FINOLA produces abundant hempseed grain at high latitudes (40-60 N). Our record yield for this variety is 3200 kg/hectare of clean, dried grain on a 100 hectare plot near latitude 50, under irrigation with conventional farming methods in Alberta, Canada. In Finland, near latitude 60, our best yield so far is 1600 kg/hectare. Near latitude 40, or best yield is 1800 kg/ha. This variety is typically very short and unproductive at latitudes below 30. FINOLA is typically planted in mid to late May and harvested about 100-120 days after sowing. Near latitude 40, a mature grain crop may be ready for harvest at 70 days after sowing.
Other Information for growing hemp in the EU:
See Annex I of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 809/2014, which describes the EU methodologies that are supposed to be followed when sampling industrial hemp fields and analyzing for THC (288 kB pdf). Be sure to understand that FINOLA and FINOLA2 hemp fields should be sampled for THC between 40-60 days after sowing! Sampling should be even earlier if the crop is under stress from drought or other reasons, such as weed competition.
Click HERE for practical information on EC 809/2014, and how this has been applied and mostly misapplied to the evaluation of THC in FINOLA (672 KB). This article carefully describes the inherent problems in EC regulations that concern THC in hemp, and helps us understand why these regulations unfairly favor monoecious varieties of fiber hemp over dioecious oilseed varieties, and also how these regulations favor hemp varieties from Central Europe over varieties from Northern and Eastern Europe.
In storage, all seed must protected from birds and rodents! These animals do not need to be educated about the nutritional value of hempseed! For longer term storage, keep seed in a dry, cool (+5 to +10 C) and dark storage place.
The Finola name and the seed-drop logo are trademarked.
The FINOLA variety of oilseed hemp is protected by OECD Plant Breeder Rights
©1998- 2024 Finola®